Friday, July 29, 2016

EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
8 Things Every Woman Needs To Keep In Mind To Lead A Healthy Life
By: Gautam Kumar
Women these days are so caught up in their life that they hardly get time to keep a check on their health. It has been ...

Tips for a Successful Recovery After Knee Replacement Surgery
By: Kimmie Rollison
Knee replacement surgery is one of the most ideal forms of treatment for severe knee joint damage caused by a disease or trauma to the ...

Why & How to Use the New Modifier CR
By: Erik Johnson
To facilitate claims processing for disaster victims, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has create a new modifier CR (Catastrophe/disaster related) that you can ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Aerobics Cardio

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Health and Fitness»Aerobics Cardio
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Home Fitness DVDs Are Valuable Exercise Tools
By: Sergi Trump
Since the days Jane Fonda and her group of leotard-sporting, leg-warmer-wearing exercisers on VHS-that's Video Home System for those of you under the age 25-exercisers ...

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Aerobics Cardio

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Aerobics Cardio
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Can't You Make Regular Exercise Compulsory In Your Daily Life?
By: Bhaswati C Mukherjee
An active aerobic exercise program implies more hectic work for the heart and lungs as you work out like during dance moves. The anaerobic indicates ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Beauty

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Beauty
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Seven Tips to Help You Get Flawless Skin
By: Bipasha Lal
Flawless skin is something which everyone dreams of. But how can you get a perfect, unblemished skin?

6 Beauty Tips for a Job Interview
By: Koo Vicky
As most of you would know, the first impression is really important in the job interview. The proper gesture, the lecture, the clothing and the ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Honey and Cinnamon Benefits
By: Laurel Abell
Whether consuming it, using it as a topical treatment, or using it as a wash or scrub, there are a number of benefits of using ...

Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss - Does It Work?
By: Laurel Abell
There's always a new fad out there. If you haven't heard of the hot water, honey, and cinnamon diet, or if you are looking for ...

Mistakes In Choosing Health And Wellness Products Distributors
By: Karl P Borrows
When buying health products, it is essential to look for reliable providers. In this way, you are sure about its quality and effectiveness.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Anxiety

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Anxiety
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Natural Anxiety Remedy - Using Natural Herbs For Treating Anxiety
By: Joe Nobles
This article is about using natural herbs to help treat anxiety. The herbs listed in this article are safe for consumption, and can help relieve ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Build Muscle

EzineArticles Alerts
Health and Fitness»Build Muscle
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
7 Top Muscle Building Nutrition Food Sources To Gain Muscle Mass
By: Walter H Menuet
You can't actually neglect muscle building nutrition in your muscle building program. But the thing is, many people avoid the topic of nutrition when it ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Acupuncture

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Health and Fitness»Acupuncture
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Acupuncture Education
By: Bret Ellington
Many people don't know what kind of education acupuncturists have. Extensive training in Western medicine and Eastern medicine is required now to graduate from an ...

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EzineArticles Alert: Health and Fitness-Acne

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Health and Fitness»Acne
New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:
Do You Know Your Skin Type?
By: Chetan Kadam
Your skin performs important functions that allow you to live a normal life, you might not notice it happening but you can be sure your ...

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