Wednesday, May 30, 2012

EzineArticles Alert: Health-and-Fitness Logo Alert Bell
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New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:

Muscular Pain Relief - Soothing Stress and Muscle Overuse
By: Hazel B Bennet
Strenuous physical activities can lead to muscular pain. It's a good thing there are many muscle pain relief products available at local pharmacies and online ...

How to Lose Belly Fat - 3 Easy Tips
By: L Ismail
If you ask anybody which part of the body is the most difficult to lose weight, I'm sure most people would have the same answer, ...

Keep the Air in Your Home Clean
By: Lawrence Reaves
There is little you can do to stop external air entering your home; indeed it is totally essential that air from outside does circulate. Most ...

Beeswax Candles Bring Health Benefits
By: Juiny Cheng
According to researchers at South Carolina State University, burning paraffin based candles produces toxic chemicals including benzene and toluene, while the beeswax candles do not ...

Best 3 to Include in Your Diet
By: Walter N Studebaker
There are three C's that you can include in your diet. These are Cucumbers, Cauliflower and Cherries. Below are the insights why we need to ...

Breast Augmentation - A Look At Silicone Implants
By: A Aaronson
Today, silicone implants are the most popular choice for women looking for breast augmentation, and they offer a number of benefits over the saline implant. ...

What You Should Know About Vertebroplasty
By: Greg Newell
The procedure known as vertebroplasty is used for stabilizing a spinal fracture and to ease the pain the fracture causes. Because it is administered by ...

Treat Digestive Inflammation Naturally For Effective Relief
By: James Edward Brown
The key to good digestion is realizing that the body contains a considerable amount of "good" bacteria, whose job is to fight off harmful bacteria ...

Talk to the Hand, or Why a Palm Strike Is Usually Better Than a Punch
By: Chad Kunego
When people think about what they would need to do if they ever had to defend themselves, punching their attacker is usually at the top ...

5 Ways You May Not Know Bloodborne Pathogens Could Spread
By: Greg Garner
Bloodborne pathogens are microbes known for causing Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Unfortunately, these diseases do not have a cure and vaccination exists only ...

Once You Find a Dialysis Center - Then What?
By: Angelica S Bond
People with kidney failure often undergo a process called dialysis, which artificially performs the important functions of the kidneys. During dialysis, machines filter waste out ...

Understanding What Chiropractors Do
By: Nathan E Leavitt
Chiropractic takes a holistic approach and recognizes the body's innate ability to heal itself. Chiropractic treatments effectively remove nerve interference which helps to restore proper ...

Cholesterol Fear Mongering
By: Laurie Geter
Much of our understanding of cholesterol comes from pharmaceutical companies which have a vested interest in creating a population of people dependent on cholesterol medication. ...

Recovering From Your Shoulder Surgery
By: Andrea Avery
In many cases, the most nerve wracking thing about surgery is the thought of the recovery process, and this is no different when it comes ...

Three Reasons to Study Sports Medicine
By: Andrea Avery
Are you a pre-med student who is looking for a field to specialize in? Are you a college student who is trying to choose a ...

What Can a Shoulder Specialist Do for You?
By: Andrea Avery
The shoulder is one of the most important joints in the human body. It has a greater range of movement than any other joint. As ...

1300 Calorie Meal Plan
By: Lata Tokhi
Planned 1300 calorie-a-day meals are one of the more popular ways to lose weight with a correct and balanced diet and you can lose up ...

Psyllium Husk
By: Sher Bahadur Thapa
Psyllium husks, commonly known as isabgol, ispaghula and psyllium, is derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata plant (Psyllium) which is cultivated in the Northwestern ...

Counseling Education on Sex Topics
By: Andrea Avery
There is a lot of information on sex topics and counseling. Consider what you want to know.

Are You Ready To Get Back In Shape?
By: D. Champigny
Increases in longevity, rising rates of obesity and an aging population are all catalysts leading more and more people to try to get back in ...

Easy Steps in Getting the Weight You Want
By: Walter N Studebaker
When you look at yourself in mirror, what do you see? Do you love it or you don't want to take a look at it ...

Microtia Treatment Through Surgical Repair
By: Andrea Avery
Microtia treatment can address the partial or complete lack of an ear in newborn and very young children. Regardless of what level of severity there ...

Effects of Skipping Sore Throat Relief
By: Alice T Winer
When it comes to stuffy noses, relief is the first thing you look for. Find out the possible effects if you leave sore throats untreated.

6 Diet Tips Today That Make a Difference Tomorrow
By: Joshua J Kozak
A lot of hard work goes into having a lean physique, but these 6 diet tips will speed up the process! In order to lose ...

Laser Hair Removal Can Permanently Reduce Hair Growth
By: Andrea Avery
How many times have you shaved a certain area on your body, whether it was your legs, arms or even face, and days later you ...

How Many Calories in a Nectarine?
By: Kelly Quinn Fitzsimmons
We provide you with a wealth of nutritional information on the nectarine. These delicious little fruits come with only a few calories and provide many ...

How to Create a Healthy Work/Life Balance
By: Jeff Archer
When I am coaching clients in the corporate world, I often come across a common complaint: "I have lots of good intentions, but I just ...

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