Every month @EzineArticles provides well over 100 useful tidbits of information, and training - We've gathered some of the best ones from May right here. Retweet any of them to enhance your article writing efforts.
Just CLICK on to auto-populate your Twitter status field. EzineArticles Tips and Training Snippets - Successful Expert Authors think outside the box. Do you?

- Do you find yourself pushing off writing your next article? Keep on track by assigning yourself article deadlines!

- Quality Links RULE: You can't build traffic without a functional website, quality content, and relevance.

- Ensure your content is concise for online audiences - avid readers may spend hours reading offline, but they skim online.

- Add a CTA in your Resource Box asking readers to Suggest a Topic via the Get Involved section below your article.

- No Expert Author photo? Build your reader's trust with a photo of yourself and increase your eligibility to be featured!

- Consistency leads to success and helps you focus on a specific niche (or more) to increase your exposure and presence.

- 'Admin' lacks transparency. Increase reader trust on your blog or website by attributing content to a real author name.

- Who are EzineArticles Expert Authors? We're proud to say they are the most passionate, driven experts you'll ever meet.

Article Writing and Ideas - Passionate writing shows. Write what you enjoy and enjoy what you write.

- Strengthen the quality of your articles by concentrating on your subject and making your subject concentrated!

- Don't cross the streams - cognitive streams that is! Avoid revising as you write. Just write, write, write!

- Nurture ideas and dreams by keeping a journal for thoughts and reflections. Try writing a letter to the future you!

- Flex your writing muscles with freewriting! Set aside a period of time, e.g. 10 min, & write anything that comes to mind.

- Article Idea: Provide a basic overview of an idea, how it originated, its relevance, for whom, and why!

- Prewriting Exercise: THINK before you write to narrow your focus and provide original, quality content readers LOVE!

- People digest ideas better in 3 parts. Present your articles with 3 main ideas, points, and/or specific examples.

- Want to be authoritative? Want to attract an authoritative audience? Ensure your grammar and spelling is authoritative.

EzineArticles Inside Information - Make the switch to "My.EzineArticles.com" and discover great Expert Author tools http://t.co/tFkajrSM

- Discover how you can identify with your readers by promoting how they can achieve pleasure http://t.co/ZxI2DVEo

- You care about quality. We do too! We've corrected 93,336 articles for various misspellings & we're just getting started.

- Discover 5 tips to writing articles for online audiences - http://t.co/CG9D32fg

- Is your writing overdramatic? Discover one of the most common punctuation offenses http://t.co/iyGMuFuy

- The "My.EzineArticles.com" Submit New Article form has a new backward/forward feature to help you navigate easily!

- Discover how we can automatically tweet/share your most recently published articles for you: http://t.co/1gKF2YhU

Motivational Moments What's your favorite Tweet from May? Let us know in the comments section here! |
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