Friday, June 1, 2012

[EzineArticles] Article Writing Tips to Retweet: May 2012

Article Writing Tips to Retweet: May 2012 Logo

Every month @EzineArticles provides well over 100 useful tidbits of information, and training - We've gathered some of the best ones from May right here. Retweet any of them to enhance your article writing efforts.

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EzineArticles Tips and Training Snippets

  • Successful Expert Authors think outside the box. Do you?
  • Do you find yourself pushing off writing your next article? Keep on track by assigning yourself article deadlines!
  • Quality Links RULE: You can't build traffic without a functional website, quality content, and relevance.
  • Ensure your content is concise for online audiences - avid readers may spend hours reading offline, but they skim online.
  • Add a CTA in your Resource Box asking readers to Suggest a Topic via the Get Involved section below your article.
  • No Expert Author photo? Build your reader's trust with a photo of yourself and increase your eligibility to be featured!
  • Consistency leads to success and helps you focus on a specific niche (or more) to increase your exposure and presence.
  • 'Admin' lacks transparency. Increase reader trust on your blog or website by attributing content to a real author name.
  • Who are EzineArticles Expert Authors? We're proud to say they are the most passionate, driven experts you'll ever meet.

Article Writing and Ideas

  • Passionate writing shows. Write what you enjoy and enjoy what you write.
  • Strengthen the quality of your articles by concentrating on your subject and making your subject concentrated!
  • Don't cross the streams - cognitive streams that is! Avoid revising as you write. Just write, write, write!
  • Nurture ideas and dreams by keeping a journal for thoughts and reflections. Try writing a letter to the future you!
  • Flex your writing muscles with freewriting! Set aside a period of time, e.g. 10 min, & write anything that comes to mind.
  • Article Idea: Provide a basic overview of an idea, how it originated, its relevance, for whom, and why!
  • Prewriting Exercise: THINK before you write to narrow your focus and provide original, quality content readers LOVE!
  • People digest ideas better in 3 parts. Present your articles with 3 main ideas, points, and/or specific examples.
  • Want to be authoritative? Want to attract an authoritative audience? Ensure your grammar and spelling is authoritative.

EzineArticles Inside Information

  • Make the switch to "" and discover great Expert Author tools
  • Discover how you can identify with your readers by promoting how they can achieve pleasure
  • You care about quality. We do too! We've corrected 93,336 articles for various misspellings & we're just getting started.
  • Discover 5 tips to writing articles for online audiences -
  • Is your writing overdramatic? Discover one of the most common punctuation offenses
  • The "" Submit New Article form has a new backward/forward feature to help you navigate easily!
  • Discover how we can automatically tweet/share your most recently published articles for you:

Motivational Moments

What's your favorite Tweet from May? Let us know in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Stephanie Morrison "I really do love EzineArticles."

Was EzineArticles always so awesome and I've just been missing it? I'm discovering all kinds of impressive ways EzineArticles is reaching out to its authors with a personal touch. I really do love EzineArticles (and it's not just because I got some really cool gifts yesterday with a handwritten note... but that helps!). Thanks EzineArticles for being the best article directory - far better than any other directory I know of - and thanks for making me be a better writer.

Stephanie Morrison

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