Friday, December 14, 2012

[EzineArticles] Looking Back Article Template

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Shared Events Attract Attention

Humans generally aren't classified as "lone wolves." We like to connect, interact, share, and simply be together. Think of big events that happen - whether it's something tragic, something political, something environmental, or even something joyful - we talk, we protest, we advocate ... we do.

Taking a look back reminds us of our shared history, experiences, and discoveries. Whether it's nostalgic or the desire to do bigger, better things in our lives and business, it provides us with a foundation to look to our future. That's why writing a Looking Back article is a great way to connect with your audience and increase engagement.

The Looking Back Article Template

First, make a list of great, shared events that have occurred in your niche or events that have influenced your niche. Select the top 5-7 events that had the greatest impact on your niche. Did these events have a common element? Did one event cause another event? Next, write an article connecting these events together in a concise format for your readers using the following template:

1. Introduce - Write an introduction that grabs your reader's attention in the first 2-3 lines and then projects what your article is about in the last line. Provide readers with a relevant shocking argument, stirring fact, or startling confession that looks back over your niche or the culmination of an event.

2. List an Event - Provide a headline of the event. Consider, if this were in the newspaper, how would the headline read? Below each headline, describe what the event was and how it impacted your niche. Avoid providing specific dates as this could make it appear like a press release, rather than an informative article.

3. Continue - Repeat Step 2 until your list of top 5-7 events is exhausted.

4. Conclude - In your conclusion, summarize briefly the take away of all of these events. Provide a prediction of what will happen in the future.

Connect with your readers by taking a look back and sharing your analysis of an event, the year, or even the century as it relates to your niche.

Want more article templates? Increase your exposure and your article library simultaneously by downloading EzineArticles' 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF. Click here for more details!

Have you written an article using the Looking Back style? Share your article and experiences in the comments section here.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Need a great stocking stuffer? Get the EzineArticles' Article Templates on the go with the limited edition Deck of Cards: click here!

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