Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[EzineArticles] Avoid Becoming Irrelevant: How to Create Your Expert Author Identity

Avoid Becoming Irrelevant: How to Create Your Expert Author Identity Logo

Use the Power of Branding in Your Efforts

As more and more big brands, offline brick and mortar businesses, online entrepreneurs, professional writers, and other organization representatives discover how article writing and content marketing is a must in any online strategy, your risk of getting lost in the shuffle increases greatly. How can you ensure your success?

Begin forging a validated Expert Author identity to increase your ability to be ranked higher (and seen by readers) today!

What does validation mean? It means absolute transparency, added relevance, and branded consistency across your platform to seamlessly help readers (and search engines) connect the dots.

Validate your expertise in your niche by shaping your Expert Author identity with the following checklist.

Your Expert Author Identity Checklist

  • Your Author Name

    Give your byline the love it deserves by treating your author name like a brand. Let's say your Expert Author name on is "Sam E. Smith." Ensure "Sam E. Smith" (and not "S.E. Smith," "Sammy Smith," "SamLove08," "Sam Smith," etc.) is transparent across your entire platform. Say goodbye to posts attributed to "Admin" on your website. Ensure all of the content you publish (e.g., articles, website posts, and guest posts) clearly identifies you as the author by using your author name on your website, your Facebook page, your Twitter account, your Google+ account, your blogs ... everywhere.

  • Your Author Photo

    Take a little time carefully selecting your author photo. If you have the resources, invest in a professional photographer for that extra polish. Alternately, stage your own photo shoot with a friend or family member. Give the photo a little polish by using a photo-editing app. In today's image, I staged a photo shoot with our very own Product Marketing Manager, Marc, in under 5 minutes using an iPhone - it's that easy! Similar to your author name, use your author photo across your platform.

  • Your Email Address

    Set up an email account that uses your domain name. Why? Some folks feel a personal email address is too unprofessional and you don't have a vested interest in your platform. Is it necessarily true? No. Should you still do it? Yes, because you're more likely to succeed if your reader or visitor is positively focused on your message, product, or services rather than your personal email address. You can always set up the email from this account to forward emails to another account.

  • Your EzineArticles Expert Author Profile

    Have you completed your EzineArticles Expert Author Profile? Use the How to Complete Your Expert Author Profile Infographic as a guide to upload your Author Photo, write your biography, list links, and more. In doing so, you will increase your reader's trust, drive more traffic, build your Expert Author identity, and foster search-engine relevance by reinforcing your brand.

  • Your Website About Me

    Include an "About Me" page on your website or blog that features your author name, Author Photo, company or organization history, achievements, awards, etc. Also, give your visitors an easy opportunity to connect with you by featuring alternate methods to contact you (e.g., contact form and social media). Use this information across your platform for a branding boost and message consistency.

  • Google Authorship

    Don't have a Google+ profile yet? Sign up today. It goes without saying that if you want to be the life of the party, you have to be in the room first. Tailor your Google+ profile to your Expert Author identity and include all of these checklist items. Once you have a complete Google+ profile, get on the Google Authorship fast track by building a solid Expert Author identity.

Don't lose hope! You can and will increase exposure by coordinating your article writing efforts with the power of a quality article portfolio and a solid Expert Author identity.

What do you do to increase your transparency and create your Expert Author identity? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Like us on Facebook for more great tips every day.

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