Friday, September 6, 2013

[EzineArticles] Think Before You Link to Your Squeeze Page With These Tips!

Think Before You Link to Your Squeeze Page With These Tips! Logo

Discover How to Optimize Your Squeeze Page in Your Articles

I want to capture highly qualified leads to build my brand recognition and stay on my reader's minds, so I decide to create a squeeze page that shows what I have to offer and it prompts visitors to subscribe. It only seems like an ideal fit to add the link to my squeeze page in the Resource Box of my articles because I've built my reader's trust in my credibility and surely, they're ready to subscribe. What could go wrong?

It's easy to assume that new readers are clamoring to subscribe once they've read your article, but the high bounce rates of most squeeze pages suggest otherwise.

Squeeze pages are landing pages that are specifically created to capture leads or ask visitors to subscribe to whatever you're offering, such as newsletters, ebooks, webinars, etc. Unlike offering a simple opt-in box integrated into your content-rich website, squeeze pages typically don't offer the reader any other choice - it's either opt-in or get out. As online information becomes less secure, readers are increasingly reluctant to opt-in.

Discover how you can build a list of highly qualified leads and use your articles to give your efforts a boost using this flow chart with an extended transcription as your guide! Simply click on the graphic below for a close up of this post online.

Should I link to my squeeze page?
Extended Transcription

There are a number of factors that you should consider before you add a link to your squeeze page in your article submissions.

First, determine whether you will also include a link to your blog or website in addition to your squeeze page.

Yes, I'm including a link to my blog or website

There are a number of factors you must first consider to ensure a quality user experience. Let's take a closer look. Is your website:

  • Relevant? If after reading an article about Heart Health, then the user expects to visit a website that is an extension of Heart Health. If the user is led to a website on relationship break ups or box car racing, then the user is going to click away feeling scammed. Your blog or website must be an extension of the topic of the article to ensure a good user experience.
  • Easy to navigate? Intuitive navigation and ease of use is paramount to your website's success. Avoid using pop ups, circular linking, and other methods that either distract or delay the user from achieving the benefit they will gain from your website.
  • Transparent? Clearly displaying who you are, your intentions, and the benefit you provide visitors is paramount to your success. Illustrate the who, what, where, when, and why of your business or service to build trust.
  • Compelling? Whether in the form of a blog, downloadable PDFs, informative videos, and more, provide fresh and compelling content on a regular basis. Encourage visitors to return by becoming their number one, quality resource that meets their needs.
  • Balanced? Pages cluttered in ads and outbound links are confusing to readers. Ensure your ad-to-content ratio as well as any outbound links are balanced with your content to highlight your message as the main benefit to the reader.

Does your blog or website meet the above criteria?

If yes, go ahead and link to your blog or website and your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission! Your page is designed with the user in mind and contains all of the key elements to build trust!

If you're missing any of the above criteria, we suggest creating an action plan to meet each element until you're confident that your website provides a positive user experience.

No, I'm not planning on including a link to my blog or website

If you're not linking to your quality blog or website, then let's take a closer look at your squeeze page.

Does your squeeze page include a video?

  • "Yes, my squeeze page includes a video and I am the person speaking in the video."

    Go ahead: link your squeeze page to your article. Featuring yourself in a video creates a connection trust for your readers. A video is small investment in time and production that can work wonders. Not only does it build your transparency, it also shows your readers you're invested in your credibility and building their trust.

  • "Yes, my squeeze page includes a video, but I'm not the person speaking in the video."

    Visitors are hesitant to buy in to a message that's not originally the author's vision with whom they originally built a connection. They see an author invested in another person's vision, product, or service, which begs all sorts of questions ("Does this author really know what they're talking about?" and "Is this a scheme?"). Rather than using a stock promotional video, show your investment and build trust by including a video on your squeeze page featuring you to assert your credibility and authority.

  • "No, my squeeze page does not include a video."

    No problem! Continue on to the following questions to take a look at the overall quality of your squeeze page:

    • Does your squeeze page include highly detailed and informative content?
    • Does this content provide your reader with a WIIFM benefit?
    • Is the content more than just testimonials?
    • Is the content more than blatant sales-oriented language?

If you've answered "yes" to the above questions, then go ahead: link to your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission! Your squeeze page is designed with the user in mind and contains all of the key elements to build trust!

If you've answered "no" to any of the above questions, then wait: don't link yet! All pages - websites, squeeze pages, etc. - must provide a substantial amount of value in order to build trust with readers. To improve your page, consider:

  • Nationally integrating compelling, original content that benefits users.
  • Including a link to your high-quality blog or website in addition to the squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission.

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Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Squeeze the most out of your article writing efforts by using EzineArticles Article Templates! These easy-to-use, fill-in-the-blank PDF documents will give you the ideas, format, and structure you need to write fabulous articles. Find out more at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Bruce Kaler M.D. "... establish your voice and brand ..."

The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.

Bruce Kaler M.D.

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