Thursday, October 31, 2013

EzineArticles Alert: Health-and-Fitness Logo Alert Bell
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New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:

Germ Warfare - A Battle Right in the Palm of Your Hand
By: Greg Noland
Many people do not realise or do anything about the bacteria which is making them run-down and sick. Our lives are so busy these days ...

Why Having a Food Wash in the Kitchen Is Important to Your Family's Health
By: Jannifer Ju
In today's world, we hear more and more horror stories regarding the contamination of food products. Whether it's salmonella found in a fresh chicken supplies ...

4 Ways on How to Relieve Hip Pain
By: Jack Zeng
The hip joint is essentially a ball and socket joint that is designed to provide a near unrestricted range of motion and withstand this cyclic ...

Tips on How to Take Control of Your Weight
By: Beatrice Oduor
Most people wish to lose weight and even more people wish to lose weight with no effort at all. Many people have attempted and failed ...

What Is IV Nutrition Therapy?
By: Dr. Susan Tanner
One effective method for treating a wide range of ailments is IV nutrition therapy. This entails supplementing a patient with nutrients directly into their bloodstream, ...

More About Life and Physical Science For Chiropractic School Requirements
By: M. Patrick Quinn
Chiropractic school requirements often focus on certain classes as part of your background in post-secondary education. The right course load will significantly improve your application ...

Three Great Reasons To Choose a Chiropractic Career
By: M. Patrick Quinn
There are many reasons why one may choose a chiropractic career. Some of the top reasons include your commitment to helping others, your personal experience ...

Natural Head Lice Treatment - Replace The Toxic Pesticides With A Natural Head Lice Treatment
By: Sophie Gratton
Some parents become so distraught at discovering lice on their child's head that in desperation they reach for a treatment that can be more dangerous ...

Easy Ways to Assess Your Health
By: Adam Fields
Assess your health in a few simple ways. It's important to know where your health stands.

What Is Chiropractic Care All About?
By: Ryan Weisgerber
Chiropractic is an alternative medicine. It provides health care by diagnosis, prevention of disorders and treatment of these disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. These issues ...

Special Treatment For A Weekend Injury
By: John Paul Cruz
There is never a good time or convenient time to suffer an injury or illness. But families with active children know that kids can pick ...

Fun Ways to Get In Shape Now
By: Jason Chappell
For most people, the thought of getting in shape is not all that desirable. You may be thinking that you have to get out and ...

Healthy Ways To Beat Type 2 Diabetes
By: Tony E Berry
Dealing with diabetes can be frustrating and confusing. The more you understand about the things you can do to beat diabetes, however, the better shape ...

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