Friday, November 15, 2013

[EzineArticles] Are You Cyber Monday Ready?

Are You Cyber Monday Ready? Logo

Kickstart the Holidays with Cyber Monday
and Use the Momentum to Build Success!

Now is the time to take advantage of the Cyber Monday traffic surge by publishing great articles, such as product reviews, how-to/DIY articles, top strategies, checklists, saving tips, and more. Use the momentum of Cyber Monday to propel yourself into the holidays to snowball your success.

What Is Cyber Monday?

Close on the heels of Black Friday (the largest shopping day in the U.S.), Cyber Monday is considered the biggest online shopping day of the year and it lands on Monday, December 2nd this year. Cyber Monday's popularity increased so much in recent years that many businesses have decided to extend it into Cyber Week by offering deals, events, and promotions for at least 5 full business days.

8 Tips to Get Ready for Cyber Monday

  • Establish what deals you will have and set a specific goal. For example, if you know for every 100 views of one article that you sell an average of 10 items and your goal for Cyber Monday is to sell 100 items, then your goal is to have 1,000 targeted views.
  • Determine your message by differentiating yourself from the crowd. Consider your unique value proposition (what makes your offer honestly the best) and how you can present it in an engaging, personable way to your audience.
  • Spread the word by considering how you will inform your current and prospective audience, such as emails, blogs, tweets, social media updates, pins, etc.
  • Do not SPAM your audience. Find balance by ensuring you're providing quality, relevant, and valuable information that is welcome.
  • Be smart and specific about your word choice. For example, "great deals" or "holiday sale" may not have as much impact as "Cyber Monday Deals," "Cyber Monday Specials," or "Cyber Week Deals."
  • Use eye-catching, attractive titles to pull readers in and avoid gimmicky titles like "Don't Miss Your Chance!" or "You'll Wish You Didn't Miss This Opportunity!"
  • Check, double check, and triple check to ensure you have a great call-to-action that clearly compels your visitor to act.
  • Track your data using your goals as a guide. Knowing article views, bounce rates, social media engagement stats, peak traffic times, audience demographics, and more can help you measure your success and tweak your strategy for next year.

5 Cyber Monday Articles to Help You Get Started

  • 5 Cyber Monday Tips for Expert Authors

    Get ahead of the competition (and get indexed by search engines early) by writing holiday-themed articles before Cyber Monday. Ensure your articles target your audience and compel readers to act as well as make sure your website is ready for an incoming traffic surge!

  • How to Target Your Cyber Monday Audience

    Preparing for Cyber Monday is an excellent opportunity to open doors to new audiences (and traffic). Discover the realities and perceptions of Cyber Monday shoppers, target their desires to find the best deals, and how to best reach them.

  • Planning Your Editorial Calendar for the Holidays

    The holidays can be overwhelming. Alleviate stress and avoid forgetting timely holiday articles by getting ready for December with an Editorial Calendar. Consider what your audience is celebrating, how you can break down each week into themes, and when you will launch.

  • Top 7 Article Templates to Get Ready for Cyber Monday

    Need last-minute article ideas? Build your article portfolio in time for Cyber Monday and the holidays with these 7 article templates that are tailored to please any audience looking for information on the best products, DIY steps, tips, checklists and more.

  • Top 7 Tips to Social Media Holiday Buzz

    Buzz is everything during the holiday season. Manage writing articles, creating social media buzz, and everything else by finding balance with these 7 tips to share your relevant articles, your seasonal side, nostalgia, seasonal information, promotions, and more.

What are you waiting for! Start writing and publishing those quality articles today.

Questions? Comments? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Don't forget to check out OUR Cyber Monday specials on December 2nd! We'll be offering great deals on both Premium Membership and assorted Article Template packages.

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Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle....

Thank you, EzineArticles - You literally changed my life, and the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!

Camille Rodriquez

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