Monday, February 3, 2014

[EzineArticles] THE LIST: 30 Great Article Writing Ideas and Topics You Need

THE LIST: 30 Great Article Writing Ideas and Topics You Need Logo

Open in Case of Writing Emergency!

You're staring at a blank screen. You type a sentence and then delete it. Unsure how to begin or what to write, you remember: THE LIST.

This list (that future you is now recalling) features great writing ideas grouped by popular article topics to give your next writing session (and all future writing sessions) a running start!

From showing off your great management skills to creating a compelling connection with readers, check out each of these writing ideas to inform readers and leverage your authority as a leader in your niche.

Better Personal and Professional Management

  1. Prioritization Hacks: Help your readers hack their day! Provide a list of top priority, moderate priority and low priority things to help your readers find balance in their hectic lives.

  2. Effective Communication: The largest flaw for most businesses and relationships is ineffective communication. Present a list of common communication downfalls and solutions to overcome those hurdles.

  3. Calculated Risk: No growth is ever made without risk. Provide examples of areas your readers should take more risk and then also provide examples where they should rein in risk that is a bigger threat.

  4. Smarter Shortcuts: Ever take a shortcut that actually ended up costing you? Were there red flags? What lesson did you learn? In hindsight, what was the reliable solution in the long run? Let your readers know.

  5. Wake-up Call: We've all been disillusioned at one time or another. Describe a time when you thought all was going well and then explain the moment when it came to a screeching halt as well as what was the wake-up call.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Managing Your Business and Yourself Article Template Package.

A Growing Business

  1. Blogging: Share the benefits of blogging and why it's effective in your niche. Give your readers some basic how-to steps to get started and some final tips about blogging in your particular niche.

  2. Why Write: Show the value of writing and how it can be truly more effective than other mediums. Share what you think written information will be like in the future and provide resources to help new writers.

  3. Etiquette: Every niche has its own rules of etiquette. List examples of rude behavior in your niche and then ways being respectful with good manners will often help you get ahead.

  4. Help Say Thanks: Share a time when you communicated gratitude effectively (or not so effectively). Provide a list of ways your readers can thank others and then show your readers how they can benefit from being appreciative.

  5. Good Service: Show the state of customer service in your niche and explain why good customer service is important. List 5 steps to achieve customer satisfaction.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Executing and Growing Article Template Package.

Technology and Today

  1. The Rule Book: Setting out on a new venture is always exciting, but there are a few rules that many newbies are blindsided by when getting started. Provide a list of rules and actionable steps to navigate through regulations.

  2. Tech-Driven World: Devices, apps, and more technology are constantly being developed in every niche. Show your readers the must haves, the wants, and even the retired technology to help them stay up-to-date.

  3. Trade Book Review: Review a book, website, blog, magazine, or other resource. Describe the effect it had on you and your niche.

  4. On-the-Go Mobile: Show readers how mobile devices help people work faster and smarter in your niche and then list 3 ways people can take advantage of mobile phones to maximize their mobile exposure.

  5. Social Media Tips: Show readers how to dismiss fears of social media, create compelling content, and promote themselves in an acceptable manner.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Wired Business Owner Article Template Package.

Comparisons and Lists

  1. 20/20 Hindsight: Take a walk backwards in time. Pick a topic and begin at the final scene and then jump to the beginning to show how you arrived to the final scene.

  2. Only the Best: Explain the process you use when determining whether a product or service in your niche is great. List questions that you use to appraise the value and any consequences should you not follow it.

  3. Niche Oddities: Every niche has a secret or something entirely unusual. Share that creepy element or strange concept with readers by providing background information on it.

  4. Top 10: Pick a theme and introduce your list, such as a product, solution, or trait. Countdown each item from the least important to greatest importance to snowball each of your bullet points to build momentum.

  5. Change vs. Tradition: Share how things have changed and what hasn't changed in your niche. Identify the change (gradual or instant) as well as show what traditions have continued and why.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Comparisons and Lists Article Template Package.

Spread the Word

  1. Reputation Management: Provide a list of steps readers can take to build their reputation. Also, list helpful resources that will help them achieve success.

  2. Product Reach: Help your readers create a product release strategy. Provide a list of resources and elements they need to include in their strategy to make it strong.

  3. Compel With Humor: Humor often breaks barriers. Share a funny story from your own experience in your niche. What was the lesson or moral of the story? Remind readers how to see the humorous side of things.

  4. Make it Enticing: List methods that you employ to make people crave what you have. Next, list failures when it comes to marketing and how they fail to entice the audience.

  5. Breaking Barriers: Share a barrier (actual or perceived) that blocks your readers. Identify what is the actual cause of the problem and then give tips to overcome the issue as well as to prevent it.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Spread the Word Article Template Package.

Appeal to Emotions

  1. Happy Accident: We all have encountered an event at one time or another that has led to a fortuitous result. Tell a detailed story about a serendipitous event and how it served as a lesson or provided great meaning for you.

  2. Shame: Share a time when you made a huge mistake. Provide a tip to avoid making the same mistake. Give additional tips that show the reader how to handle it if they encounter an embarrassing situation.

  3. Miracles Happen: Share a story of a small miracle. Help open your reader's eyes by showing readers ways that they too can recognize miracles in their life and tools to help change their perspective.

  4. Law of Attraction: Discuss a time you decided to use visualization to get something you wanted and the outcome. Give tips to help people use the law of attraction in their own lives.

  5. Surprise: Set the scene for a shocking story. Tell the story while building suspense and then when the tension is too much to bear, unleash the big surprise. Finally, give your readers the valuable lesson.

Get these templates and 10 more in the Emotional Appeal Article Package.

Want more article writing ideas? Check out all 9 Build Your Own Article Template Packages, which contain a set of 15 interactive article templates on PDF. Designed to make it faster and easier than ever to write high-quality original articles, these Article Templates will help you build your brand, increase your exposure, and add to your credibility and authority as an Expert Author.

Questions or comments? Click here to visit this post online and join the discussion!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Like Article Templates? Then you'll love the EzineArticles Deck of Cards featuring 52 unique Article Templates on playing cards! Get this unending source of inspiration and fun at the EzineArticles Shop!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen "I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them."

I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'

Christine Larsen

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