Tuesday, September 15, 2015

[EzineArticles] Top 10 Blog Posts to Read Before the Summer Ends

Top 10 Blog Posts to Read Before the Summer Ends EzineArticles.com Logo
Revisit Some of Our Top Articles of the Year!

Summer is winding down. As the leaves change color and the air gets chilly, the article writing scene changes as well. You think you're on the right path, then a new trend in technology or update on how search engines act is revealed. This can ultimately impact your business and slow down your progress. There are so many other successful authors out there and changes that occur daily, how can a writer keep up?

Relax. We have you covered!

Whether it's finding the motivation to keep writing, increasing your exposure and credibility, or designing the best layout for your squeeze pages, our past articles can lend you a hand depending on your interests. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out with your first article or if you write articles in your sleep at an expert level ... there's a good range of tips below!

Here are our top 10 blog posts of the year. Enjoy!

Article Writing Tips to Make an Impact in Your Niche

#1. 10 Tips to Write Quality Content in the New Year
If you're looking for ideas to continue churning out quality content for your readers, here are 10 tips to get you started, regardless of your niche. It touches on writing with passion and offers ideas to start a new set of articles. When you're caught up with those tips, don't forget to come back here for more valuable articles from our list!
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#2. Top 10 Ways for Authors to Stand Out in Their Niche
Not every author can come up with brilliant, innovative ideas for content every day. Our next blog focuses on ways you can stand out in your niche and make a bigger splash for your audience. Learn how to attract new readers with more creativity and time management.
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#3. 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Becoming an Expert Author
While we have an assortment of articles to help you improve your writing and connect with your readers, we also identify common mistakes authors can make. This article will help clear up some of these. Make sure you're prepared for your next writing endeavor!
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Advice on Article Content & Your Resource Box

#4. 7 Easy Article Submission Blunders to Avoid
Staying on the same topic of oversights or mistakes authors can encounter, our next blog directs your attention to article submissions. Many of the blunders listed here are common sense precautions; however, we highly recommend checking them out just to be safe.
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#5. 7 Things You Need to Know About Your Resource Box
You may be an expert author with an infinite amount of knowledge on your niche, but you could still be ending your article incorrectly! We're talking about your Resource Box, which is a very important part of your article. Check out what we have to say about serving up the best Resource Box to benefit both you and your readers.
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Take a Closer Look at Squeeze Pages and Web Design

#6. Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Squeeze Page
We're still shining the spotlight on the Resource Box in these next few blogs, but the focus is now on your website. Linking to pages that are informative and straight to the point is important for an author who focuses on articles. If you're curious to know what makes up an exceptional squeeze page, we have you covered!
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#7. Top Reasons to Add a Video to Your Squeeze Page
Once you're more familiar with squeeze pages, this next article will focus on one area that can give you an edge over other authors in the same niche ... videos! Creating a short video of yourself and/or your products will make an immediate impression with your viewers. See what we have to say about using them on your squeeze page!
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#8. Responsive Web Design – Good Design vs. Bad Design
How much do you know about responsive web design? How much should you know? We've had a few blogs on this topic; however, we have one that clearly separates the Dos and Don'ts when you're thinking of going this route. Here is a more educational and tech savvy blog that will give you a better perspective on the urgency of making mobile users pleased with your website. Take a look for yourself!
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Let's Get Motivated! Tips for Better Production in Your Writing

#9. Top Tips for Authors to Boost Productivity
With these last 2 articles we're back on the subject of assisting you with your writing efforts. You may have ideas and goals for your writing, but they will just be in your head unless you have the proper motivation! Read up on a few helpful tips to boost productivity and keep your progress going in the right direction.
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#10. End Your Procrastination and Get Back into Writing Mode!
The last blog on our list focuses on many authors' least favorite word: Procrastination. We need to stress the importance of having passion for your work and never falling too far behind. Procrastination can and will destroy productivity. You need to have faith in your writing and the knowledge you've obtained. Quickly learn some tips on breaking out of a funk and staying motivated to meet your goals!
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As always, we appreciate your feedback on our tips and advice. If you have time for a comment, think about the following questions:

1. Do you have a favorite article out of our list? What made it stand out for you?
2. What topic would you like us to write about in a future blog?

We would love to hear your thoughts on these questions. Use the comment section below to share them with us!
To Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Derek, Member Support
Derek, EzineArticles Member Support

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