Friday, January 25, 2013

[EzineArticles] Flex Your Writing Muscles To Give Your Article Portfolio Strength

Flex Your Writing Muscles To Give Your Article Portfolio Strength Logo

Tips to Get Back on Track With Your Goals to Build Exposure and Increase Traffic

Did you set out to make a "fresh start" because the new year was the "perfect time" to improve upon some area of your life? For most of us, we resolve to become more fit whether it be through cardio or strength training. However, a couple weeks in, some of us fall back into the good old comfortable standby: laziness. Why? Well, it's just easier that way and who's watching?

As an Expert Author, this situation can be all too familiar. The new year gave you a "fresh start" which was the "perfect time" to make goals: write more articles, build exposure, and increase traffic back to your blog or website. However, with each passing week, is your article portfolio expanding or is it stagnating? Staying on track isn't always a smooth ride; it takes dedication.

Top 7 Insider Tips to Get Back on Track

Rekindle your motivation to build exposure with quality, original articles and get closer to achieving your resolutions with writing "strength" training:

  • Inspiration: A couch potato is the only vegetable that's not good for you. They shouldn't be allowed in a gym or at your writing desk. Some people have buddies or workout partners to motivate them. What "buddy" do you use to motivate you to write? Is it music? Maybe meditation? Or even reading the local or world news on various websites? Find your motivation to gain fodder to incorporate into your newest article. Whatever it takes, run with it and write with it!
  • Stretch: Athletes know for certain it's important to stretch before exercise - your flexibility and circulation improves, along with balance and coordination. Stretch your knowledge by researching current trends in your niche. Embrace the flow of ideas and start writing!
  • Form: The best bodybuilder will tell you that form is crucial in executing the perfect lift. Can your article say the same? From the top of your title, all through your article body, and down to your resource box, be sure all the important quality markers are there to support the content you're delivering. Is it attention grabbing? Is it filled to the brim with quality? Is it chock full of informative value?
  • Stance: After you've exhausted your breath with the last rep you did, are you shaky or confident? As a writer, you've written your last word; now think about how your article stands. Is it positioned correctly for your niche? Stand tall with ALL of your knowledge, not just some of it. After all, you're the expert!
  • Intervals: Interval training, alternating between running and jogging, can be intense, but incredibly rewarding because it requires all of your effort. When it comes to your writing, the intensity you put into your efforts can be just as rewarding. Show off what you know. Flesh out your expertise, don't tease it out by laying it on the table for your readers to see. You've worked hard for it!
  • Nutrition: A boxer needs the proper diet to perform the fancy footwork that's needed in the ring, otherwise his opponent will have a clear advantage. Proteins, fruits and veggies, grains, and plenty of liquids are important to keep him moving efficiently. Sluggishness happens to all of us. Ask yourself, "what can I improve?" What you put in your body also affects how your mind functions. How about a healthy dose of caffeine before you write? A clear thought process is needed to pack a punch.
  • Hydration: Who can forget this one? You're not going to get very far in a marathon without hydrating to fuel your efforts - in fact, you will stumble and fall. Likewise, when you've finished your article, proofread diligently to be sure what you've written is just as fluid and delivers your message without any embarrassing hiccups.

Either get back on track with your efforts or start now by resolving to build exposure and increase traffic with article writing. There is no time like the present: Keep on task with your writing efforts, give your articles a well rounded "workout," and watch your portfolio grow to become one that comes with all the bragging rights it deserves.

How do you stay motivated in your efforts? What do you do to give your article portfolio strength and flex your writing muscles? Click here to share your comments - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

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