Monday, January 21, 2013

[EzineArticles] Time Is of the Essence: Reach Your Audience When They Want to Read Your Articles

Time Is of the Essence: Reach Your Audience When They Want to Read Your Articles Logo

Before you ask yourself "why aren't people reading my articles?!" consider this:

Are you writing what they want to hear? If so, are you arriving too late to the game?

Here are some easy, timely article writing tips to ensure you're spot on with your audience and on target with your goals.

"Who is this for anyway?"

As obvious as this first point is, it's easily forgotten: Who are you writing for? Your motivation (above all else) should be to meet the needs and wants of your audience. Set aside at least 30 minutes for a brainstorm session to consider the following questions:

  • What are your audience's most pressing problems?
  • What motivates them?
  • What do they want to know and why?
  • What obstacles are they facing?
  • How can they fix it and reach their goal?

"Okay, now what do I do with the answers?"

  • Capture your reader's attention by applying these elements to the title, summary, and introduction.
  • Answer these questions within the framework of your article.
  • Bear these elements in mind when you are brainstorming and always think: "What would your reader do?"
  • Tie in your USP (unique selling proposition) with your CTA (call-to-action) in your Resource Box by providing additional relevant resources, products, or services that may help the reader more easily reach their goal.

"We Serve Fresh Articles!"

Originality is more than the article being unique to you. It also means it's fresh to your niche. Staying up-to-date with the latest events and then showing your readers how those events impact them is a great way of becoming a timely, authoritative source they can rely on. Subscribe to news topics, newsletters, pages, etc. Follow sources on social media and always consider how an event impacts your readers.

"Strike it while it's hot!"

Hot topics have expiration dates - don't sit on an opportunity to write a timely article! Beat other experts to the punch by being the first to provide informative, quality content for your niche's readership. This also may include improving your article drafting-to-publishing turnaround (i.e., the time it takes to write, edit, submit, and publish an article). Don't arrive too late to the field because you spend several days drafting an article and then let its timely relevance expire in an editorial review queue. Inspiration strikes? Roll with it and write it.

"Isn't the question always a matter of when?"

Find your audience's "prime time." Monitor your website's traffic as well as seek out informational sources about the dynamics and demographics of your audience. For example, if Tuesdays are high-impact days for your social media accounts (i.e., when your audience is most active on that platform), then promote your articles on Tuesdays! Experiment, survey, and gather data to find out when your audience is more likely to read your content and then publish it when it is most likely to succeed.

Next time you set out to write your next articles, bear these above tips in mind to reach your audience when they want to read your articles. In doing so, you'll increase your credibility, exposure, as well as increase traffic back to your blog or website. Have questions or suggestions? Click here to visit this post online and contribute your valuable thoughts and insights - we'd love to hear from you!

Make reaching your audience more convenient for YOU!

Our Premium Membership Scheduled Article Release benefit allows you to publish your articles when you know they'll be most effective. Scheduling your articles also means you don't "dump" them on your most loyal readers, which could potentially reduce the traffic you receive from them. This Premium benefit also allows you to target your article release to the best time for your niche, which means greater exposure for you as your audience will be more likely to read your article (great for international audiences!). Premium's Scheduled Article Release is not only more convenient, it can make a huge difference in your readership.

Click here to start scheduling your articles with your Premium Membership today.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

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