Monday, February 11, 2013

[EzineArticles] Are you Reaching Your Potential? How to Turn Your Audience Into Clients

Are you Reaching Your Potential? How to Turn Your Audience Into Clients Logo

The Easy Step-by-Step Formula to Turn Readers Into Clients or Customers

Creating quality content and seeing its effect is addicting. What's even more exciting? Turning readers into clients.

There is an inevitable sense of accomplishment to see new viewers from your articles to your blog or website, but is that enough?

Come full circle; convert your readers into clients.

Provide your audience benefit-oriented content via quality articles to gain their trust and you will foster prospective clients to create a thriving business. It's well worth it.

1. Eye on the Target

Your message will fall on deaf ears if you don't target your audience. Are you addressing new readers? Do they have any knowledge of your article topic? For every audience, your message and approach will differ. Profile your readers and find out where their interests lie within your business to target them with informative, relevant content. Identify, write accordingly, and go get 'em!

2. Benefits, Benefits, Benefits

You've heard it before: Great content targets benefits, not features. Hook readers with the benefit by answering the very first question on their mind before they've started reading your article: "WIIFM (What's In It For Me)?" Consider the topic you're addressing and what goal it helps the reader achieve. For example, "ten exercise tips" is a feature and "lose weight to get a sexy body" is the benefit. Always lead with the benefit.

3. Pull Your Readers In

Think of all of your readers as prospective clients walking into your "store." If you were in front of them, how would you entice them into going further within your business? It can be difficult persuading your audience to invest if they're given a desperate, feature-oriented sales pitch or an unfocused greeting (like you're bored by their very presence). Readers can sense this same desperation or boredom in your articles as well! Pull your readers in by showing passion and excitement for the topic as well putting all of your focus on the reader.

4. Compel with a Call-to-Action

Top notch article! Now what? In your Resource Box, direct your readers to your website with a simple and effective call-to-action. But wait! Don't forget: Always lead with the benefit and keep your energy high to create a motivating call-to-action that motivates readers to act. Create momentum, add a sense of immediacy, and encourage your reader to act by providing an enticement, e.g. a discount, a free gift, or a free download.

5. Provide Easy-to-Navigate Links

There's a reason why the word "easy" appears so readily in marketing copy. Anything that promises to be simple and delivers is incredibly appealing. You've provided your readers with quality, informative content and now they're at your website. You don't want them to search for your opportunities - they'll get tired and eventually give up. Go through the steps as though you're a new visitor. Is it difficult to find what benefits you? Set up your website in a way that speaks to potential clients and makes it easy for them to get involved.

Benefit your bottom line and build your quality, article portfolio to reap the positive effects turning readers into clients will bring. What are some of the strategies you use to turn readers into clients? Have the above tips worked for you? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

PS: Always lead with the benefit!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PPS: Whether your business is offline or online, a Premium Membership can significantly enhance your efforts. Give it a try at

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The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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