Wednesday, May 29, 2013

[EzineArticles] EzineArticles Asks: What Are Your Best Social Media Practices?

EzineArticles Asks: What Are Your Best Social Media Practices? Logo

How Do You Use Social Media to Reach and Engage Your Audience?

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, etc.... With so many social networks and dozens of strategies, which ones are the right fit for your platform?

The answer varies from niche to niche, which is why we are turning this question to you, our well-versed Expert Authors:

What Are Your Best Social Media Practices?

I know; that's a HUGE topic that requires a little more information.

Consider any of the following 10 questions to help guide you in your response:

  • What platform works best for you and your audience?
  • Did you find any platforms that didn't work for you?
  • How many platforms do you concurrently manage?
  • How often do you post?
  • What do you do to increase followers and engagement?
  • What forms of content have the highest level of engagement, such as photos, links, videos, etc.?
  • Do you use your personal profile or brand profile to engage with your audience?
  • What type of calls-to-action do you use to encourage engagement and sharing?
  • Have you used paid advertising on social media and did it yield good results?
  • Have you employed a social media marketing company to either manage or boost your exposure? If so, what was your experience?

Don't worry! We're not asking you to answer ALL of the above questions. Simply touch on the questions that you've had the most experience with or additional social media strategies or methods not mentioned. Share your comments or pose a question below to join the conversation - we'd love to hear from you!

Need help? Check out the following related social media resources we've featured on the Blog:

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Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: On Google+? Visit our Google+ page and click "Follow" to gain more EzineArticles' insights and tips today!

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