Monday, May 20, 2013

[EzineArticles] Getting Started with the EzineArticles Toolkit

Getting Started with
the EzineArticles Toolkit Logo

Starting out? Changing your strategy? It's tough!

Helping you get started and preparing you for success is one of our passions. Check out the following EzineArticles "toolkit", including resources and tools, to break down writing barriers and get a handle on your strategy to succeed in content marketing, article writing, and much more.

Top 3 Resources

Article Writing and Insights Blog

The blog is your number one source to stay in tune with the latest and greatest information for your writing strategy. We publish hundreds of posts on the blog every year, including instructional videos, infographics, grammar tips, and search engine insights. In addition to these posts, the growing number of commenters who offer their own insights and feedback makes the blog a thriving community of information that will add to your growth. (Don't forget to subscribe to EzineArticles Blog Alerts to ensure you never miss another blog post again!)

Editorial Guidelines

To maintain the quality standards of our Expert Authors, we provide the Editorial Guidelines for you to use to your advantage – not just in your article writing efforts, but in all of your efforts. These guidelines are based on years of experience, data, feedback, questions, and laws to protect you and your readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ page provides you with answers to the most commonly asked questions and was specifically designed for our members and newcomers to the community. Featuring a large number of questions grouped by member needs, discover how to submit an article, find out what to do if you can't log in, look up major article writing components, and more.

Top 5 EzineArticles Social Media Pages

  • Follow us on Twitter (and Vine!) - They may be 140 characters or less, but these brief snippets pack a powerful and informative punch.
  • Like us on Facebook - Share and like motivational quotes, join the EzineArticles Facebook community discussion, and contribute your own insights.
  • Join us on Google+ - Add us to your circles to join us for an article writing discussion or find us in various writing and online communities.
  • Subscribe to us on YouTube - Watch and rewatch the latest quick tips, tutorials, and training videos.
  • Repin our Pins on Pinterest - Browse, comment on, like, and repin highlights, graphics, wallpapers, and a hodgepodge of hilarious writing-related pins.

Top 5 EzineArticles Members-Only Tools

Find the following tools in your account:

  • Submit New Article - Each field in the Submit New Article form includes tips for effective writing (click the blue "?" icon in each field) as well as built-in guides to ensure your article review process is as efficient as possible.
  • Title Suggestions - Out of ideas or need help discovering what your audience wants? Use our title suggestions to help generate new article ideas within your niche! Each title is created based on terabytes of data from keywords and phrases commonly searched on
  • Performance - View the traffic and activity of your published articles.
  • Networking - Build relationships with fellow Expert Authors - ask questions, start discussions, and share successes.
  • Challenges - Set up your own personal writing goals or you can invite others to join you in a group writing challenge.
  • BONUS: Premium - Whether your business is made of brick and mortar or just the ethereal stuff of the Internet, a Premium Membership can significantly enhance your article marketing efforts.

What tools would you like to see in the future? Where do you connect most with EzineArticles? Click here to let us know - we'd like to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Don't forget about our Premium benefits package. It can have a huge impact on your bottom line. Find out how:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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