Friday, October 11, 2013

EzineArticles Alert: Health-and-Fitness Logo Alert Bell
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New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours:

Microtia: Help Is Available For Your Child
By: Gareth Ricky
Microtia is a birth defect where the child's ear is underdeveloped or undeveloped. The condition occurs in about one in every 6, 000 infants, and ...

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Cosmetic Surgeon
By: Gareth Ricky
To have a successful cosmetic surgery, you should have the right cosmetic surgeon. Due to the large number of surgeons advertising their services, it can ...

Natural Products for Treating Anemia Symptoms
By: Praveen Donald
Anemia could be because of low hemoglobin, meaning inadequate red cells are produced in our body. Natural home remedies for anemia make the perfect solution.

Finding a Skilled Nursing Facility to Call Home for a Family Member
By: Abigail Aaronson
The skilled nursing facility your loved one moves into, be it short-term or long-term, needs to be safe and healthy. Here we offer some pointers ...

How a Few Simple Dry Skin Natural Remedies Can Improve Your Skin's Appearance
By: Helen Markham
Women want to look perfect all the time. Be it their clothes, hair, accessories, footwear or skin. They take care of everything most importantly their ...

Why You Might Need a Candida Crusher Remedy to Restore Good Health
By: V K Rajagopalan
Uncontrolled yeast infections can destroy your quality of life, leading to pain and exhaustion. However, a good treatment program could act as the Candida crusher ...

A Brief History of Sports Medicine in the US
By: Anthony Galante
Sports have been around for thousands of years and so has the practice of sports medicine, a branch of medicine focusing on the prevention and ...

How to Get a Flat Stomach - Easy Steps
By: Harry Hotton
If your stomach is flabby, it could do with some toning. A flat and strong midsection is essential to a good physique. There are simple ...

Sure Way to Lose Weight And Get in Shape
By: Harry Hotton
The sure way to lose weight and get in shape is to burn more calories than you take in. You do not have to take ...

I'll Be Happy When I'm Thin
By: Tanja M Shaw
Have you ever thought that you'll be happier when you lose those next 10 pounds? When you can fit into a certain size of clothes? ...

Conventional Versus Organic Nurseries and Eating Healthy
By: Andrew Stratton
When feeding your family, there are two main options, conventional food and organic food. There are differences, but is one really more nutritious than the ...

Things You Can Do To Prevent A Shoulder Injury From An Orthopedic Doctor
By: Stacie L. Grossfeld, MD
Many people suffer from a shoulder injury at some point in time. If your work demands using your shoulders in repetitive motions over long periods ...

What Does A Neurologist Do?
By: Anna Woodward
A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in treating disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. They generally see patients who have been ...

Feeling Dizzy - What Might It Indicate?
By: Pamela Levin
Feeling dizzy is a symptom and not a cause. But what might it indicate? Here are 16 possibilities to check out.

Facelift Surgery - All You Need To Know
By: Gareth Ricky
Also known as rhytidectomy, facelift surgery is one of the well known cosmetic surgeries of the face. The procedure is meant to minimize the telltale ...

Are Weight Loss Shakes Effective And Safe?
By: Ronald Garcia
If you have been eating less and exercising more on a regular basis but you would like to lose much more weight faster, you could ...

Health Versus Wealth Paradox
By: Bill Storie
As you approach retirement, or if you are already in retirement, what are the top ten most important aspects of your life? The Greek philosopher ...

Is Stress Turning You Into A Wired, Tired, Pot-Bellied Zombie?
By: Janine Fahri
We are no strangers to stress in today's frenetic society - traffic jams, train delays, meetings, deadlines, unemployment, difficult relationships, demanding children, ageing parents, financial ...

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