New EzineArticles Posted In The Last 24 Hours: |
| Cosmetic Surgery Is Not Just For the Rich By: Andrea Avery Cosmetic surgery has become popular with people of all ages and bank account balances. Some operations are more popular than others. |
| The Ultimate Guide to Surviving a Bad Hair Day By: Harvey McEwan Whether your hair is long, short, curly or straight, bad hair days happen to us all. But here is a quick guide to help you ... |
| How to Keep Your Nails Looking Healthy By: Harvey McEwan Some people take great pride over their nails - and with good reason, as your nails can often reveal a lot about you as a ... |
| Depression and Weight Issues By: Barbara Altman Depression and weight issues can go hand in hand. I gained weight in my teens, blossoming to a full two hundred pounds. When I was ... |
| Pregnancy And Fifth Disease - Learn About Its Causes And Find Out What You Can Do By: Rebecca Sophia Meade Though less of a concern of most people, Fifth Disease should be carefully taken into consideration by pregnant women as it can cause adverse effects ... |
| Balancing Full Time Work and Staying in Shape By: Dr. Ashraf Hanafy Mahmoud Mohammed Working a forty- or sixty-hour week can make it very difficult to find time to stay in shape. If you're having this problem, you are ... |
| Handwipes and More Handwipes! By: Ross Weinberg If you are a business owner or you manage or operate any kind of business, one thing should be on your mind this winter season: ... |
| Treating Stomach Flu In Children By: Juanita Swindell Stomach flu symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination and excessive sweating. These symptoms come together to result in large amounts of fluid loss, which can ... |
| Shingles, Your Risk and Your Vaccine Choice - What Will You Decide When Your Doctor Recommends It? By: Pamela Levin A new shingles vaccine is currently being recommended to patients by their M.D.'s. Here are some facts about that vaccine and the three chicken pox ... |
| What Are The Most Common Finger Injuries By: Rachel Berret Finger injuries are very common because we use them daily in our lives. There are injuries which are minor and do not need immediate attention. ... |
| Shingles - Natural Remedies for Clearing the Virus and Repairing Nerves By: Pamela Levin This article details which natural remedies you can use to support your body in avoiding coming down with the shingles (also called chicken pox virus ... |
| Do Muscles Turn To Fat? By: Rachel Berret Have you heard the myth that says once you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat? How true is this myth? Let us ... |
| Rocket Failure: The Risks of Energy Drinks By: Michael V Harris If you're thinking of picking up an energy drink after lunch, you might want to think again. If you rely too much on these drinks ... |
| Effect Of Adrenalin On Muscles By: Rachel Berret You may have already heard the word adrenaline from your science class before. You may also have heard from your friends who often mention "adrenaline ... |
| How Does Our Brain Activate Our Muscles? By: Rachel Berret We all know that the brain is the center of all voluntary and involuntary movements in the body. You are able to move your hands ... |
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