Friday, May 10, 2013

[EzineArticles] Article Marketing for the Stay-at-Home Parent

Article Marketing for the
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A Brief Guide to Success for Expert Authors Who Work From Home

Being a stay-at-home parent is tough. Being an Expert Author is tough. Who in their right mind would combine these two endeavors? Believe it or not, many of EzineArticles' best authors. They make it work through a combination of smart planning, hardcore dedication, and resilient flexibility.

Their path to success can serve as a road map for all of us. Here's a brief guide to succeeding as an article writer and marketer without shirking your parental duties or other priorities.

  1. Find Your Space - You need a base of operations away from the kids and all your household duties, but at the same time you need a location that allows you to safely monitor your children. This could be a difficult challenge to overcome; nevertheless, it's imperative to separate your roles.
  2. Plan Ahead - As you go through your various activities during the day, mentally work out a plan for your writing session. What will you write about? What will you need to research first? Develop article outlines in your head so you can get to work immediately when you finally sit down to write.
  3. Adjust Your Schedule - We're all creatures of habit and we tend to have certain times to do certain things. However, with children, your schedule typically works around their schedule. Plan accordingly. For example, could you write before they get up in the morning, after they go to bed, or during nap time? Do they get TV or electronics time that would give you an opportunity to sit down and write undisturbed? Find these opportunities and take advantage of them.
  4. Provide Quiet Activities - You don't always have to be an integral part of their day. It's healthy for children to play without adult participation; find quiet activities they can do alone or with a sibling. These brief moments of peace may be just what you need to cross a few items off of your article writing task list.
  5. Be Prepared - As a parent, your writing time will be precious. Make sure you're prepared so you can immediately write as soon as you sit down. Things like booting up your computer in advance and clearing your workspace can all be done while little ones fight for your attention.
  6. Stay Organized - Many great authors work in disarray. While this work habit may produce a boost in creativity for some, managing the chaos is time consuming for most of us. Time is something a parent-author cannot afford to give up in favor of a small creative bonus.
  7. Be Flexible - Children are unpredictable; deal with it. Flexibility will help you keep your sanity and achieve your writing goals. While a writing schedule is important, you should always be prepared to adjust it in favor of your family.
  8. Get Help - Chances are you're not alone. Enlist the help of a family member, friend, or neighbor to watch your kids for an hour or two each day. This respite would provide a great opportunity to whip out one or two great articles.
  9. Be Tenacious - It's going to be tempting to forgo writing in favor of some much-needed rest and decompression time. You may need to buckle down a bit in order to accomplish your goals; get ready to tell yourself "no" if you really want to succeed.
  10. Work Smarter, Not Harder - This is where we can help with an EzineArticles Premium membership. Premium provides a variety of benefits designed to make your article writing efforts faster and easier - the perfect combination for the busy parent. Click here to learn more.

Finding the right balance between being a great parent and being a great Expert Author can be a real challenge. However, by practicing some or all of these tips, you can make both aspects of your life easier, rewarding, and significantly more successful. Give a few of them a try today.

Are you a stay-at-home parent? If so, click here to share some of your stories or tips.

Marc, EzineArticles Product Marketing ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Product Marketing Manager

PS: Easily increase your exposure fast by building a huge portfolio of quality, original articles with our 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen "I love the templates"

I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'

Christine Larsen

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